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SET OF 6 TRITAN PLASTIC CUP - drinking glasses, orange

18,99 € Regular price
Unit price
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
🍸 BAR CULTURE: Times and needs change! With our shatterproof Tritan crystal glasses, we offer a versatile - visually and qualitatively high-quality solution, for sensitive areas such as pool, spa, beach and wellness.
🍹 SMALL GUESTS: Buddy does not forget our small guests, of course! That's why there are also Tritan plastic drinking glasses in our range. Thanks to the clever manufacturing method and the extremely high quality standards of the drinking vessel, broken glasses and associated injuries are impossible. And children as well as parents can simply enjoy the party.
🍸 BPA FREE: For Buddy's Bar, the most important point besides quality is the food-safe nature of the products, especially for the little ones! The tritan cups are BPA free, so they are also suitable for children and absolutely harmless!
🍹 GIFT BOX: The perfect birthday gift for family & friends, a great wedding, Christmas or housewarming gift. The 6 Buddy's Bar Tritan Mugs come in a beautiful resealable gift box and do not require any additional packaging. Note: The mugs are dishwasher safe, but not suitable for the microwave!
SKU: 66164

Lieferzeit = 2-3 Tage

Versandkostenfrei ab 19,99 € in Deutschland bestellen!

Wir versenden unsere Artikel mit unseren Versandpartnern DHL und DPD.

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Das Widerrufsrecht besteht nicht bei Verträgen zur Lieferung von Waren, die nicht vorgefertigt sind und für deren Herstellung eine individuelle Auswahl oder Bestimmung durch den Verbraucher maßgeblich ist oder die eindeutig auf die persönlichen Bedürfnisse des Verbrauchers zugeschnitten sind.

Bei weiteren Fragen kontaktiere uns unter: 02933- 97350

Mo - Do: 08:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Fr: 08:00 - 13:30 Uhr

Oder sende eine E-Mail an: cheers@buddysworld.de

SET OF 6 TRITAN PLASTIC CUP - drinking glasses, orange

SET OF 6 TRITAN PLASTIC CUP - drinking glasses, orange

18,99 €